Remote Counsel and eDepoze Announce Partnership to Create the Legal Industry’s Best-in-Class Remote Participation Experience

[fa icon="calendar"] Apr 20, 2015 9:40:09 AM / by Emily Barnhill

Atlanta, GA, October 15, 2014 – Remote Counsel, the leading provider for remote participation in depositions and the courthouse, and eDepoze, the leading market innovator for paperless deposition solutions, announced today a partnership to integrate technology platforms and create the most robust remote participation capabilities for depositions in the market.

Remote Counsel will add eDepoze’s electronic exhibit platform into its court reporter case management platform to offer attorneys a complete remote participation experience. Similarly, eDepoze will integrate Remote Counsel’s streaming solution to offer its customers a more complete experience. Both integrations will be available by the end of the year.

By combining Remote Counsel’s extensive remote participation features, including video conferencing and video streaming, realtime transcript streaming, and private group chat, with eDepoze’s end-to-end electronic exhibit solution, attorneys and remote participants are able to fully participate in depositions like they are in the conference room. The combined offering also reduces deposition costs by minimizing travel, printing, and shipping costs.

“To offer an end-to-end deposition management platform, we knew we needed to add electronic exhibit features,” says Andrew Feinberg, CEO of Courtroom Connect, Remote Counsel’s parent company. “When we began investigating options, it quickly became clear that eDepoze has the most innovative and comprehensive solution for paperless depositions in the market.”

“Depositions are changing as attorneys demand new services from court reporters,” says Shawn Kennedy, CEO of eDepoze. “This partnership brings court reporters new options from two companies with proven track records in delivering the new services attorneys are demanding. We are especially excited to work with Remote Counsel given its industry-leading text streaming service and exceptional track record of delivering integrated solutions to court reporters.”

By the end of the year, Remote Counsel and eDepoze will have an initial integration complete, which will allow attorneys to participate using either platform to use both services at the same time. Attorneys should ask their court reporters how to get started, and court reporters should contact Remote Counsel or eDepoze to implement the service.

About Remote Counsel:

Remote Counsel provides the most comprehensive legal technology platform in the industry. Since 1996, Remote Counsel’s products and services are used by hundreds of court reporters and other litigation service providers to allow for remote participation in depositions, courtroom proceedings, jury research, and other legal events. Remote Counsel, headquartered in Atlanta, GA, is a division of Courtroom Connect. Courtroom Connect creates technology solutions and online platforms for legal and financial professionals, focusing on expanding access to legal events.

About eDepoze, LLC:

eDepoze, LLC is a cloud computing company whose flagship product, eDepoze, is a powerful, yet easy-to-use cloud-based deposition software system-with an iPad or web browser interface-that delivers the convenience, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of a paperless deposition while mirroring the tried-and-true deposition process that litigators have used for decades. eDepoze, LLC is headquartered in Irvine, CA. For more information, please visit

Topics: Press Release, Partner

Emily Barnhill

Written by Emily Barnhill

Emily Barnhill is a Marketing Manager at Courtroom Connect.