The Ultimate Court Reporter Holiday Gift Guide

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 16, 2015 10:01:21 AM / by Emily Barnhill posted in Remote Participation, Court Reporting, Polycom

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 The holiday season is winding down, and we're sure some of you have last minute shopping to do for friends and family. We've compiled the ultimate holiday gift guide for court reporters (or anyone for that matter) to help you out! 

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Foolproof Strategies for Selling Remote Participation Services

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 10, 2015 9:36:44 AM / by Emily Barnhill posted in Insider, Cameo II, Remote Counsel University, Technology Proliferation, Technology, Remote Participation, Court Reporting, Margin Pressure, Streaming, Videoconferencing

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So, you've taken the plunge and now provide remote particpation services for attorneys. Whether that's videoconferencing, bridging, chat, or streaming, you need to know how to effectively sell your new services  in order to maximize your profits (and the attorney's level of satisfaction with your firm). We've taken part of our Remote Counsel University Sales and Marketing course to explain some of the best strategies for selling remote participation services to attorneys.

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Meet the Team - Jeff Gibbs

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 3, 2015 12:21:36 PM / by Emily Barnhill posted in Meet the Team

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Meet the Team!

Each month, Remote Counsel will feature one of our team members on the blog to let you get to know us a little better. 

This month's spotlight is on Jeff Gibbs! Many of our partners speak with Jeff on a regular basis, as he's one of the superheroes of our Support Department. Read on to find out why Jeff likes working at Remote Counsel, what his least favorite chore is, and his biggest guilty pleasure.


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Thanksgiving Special on Polycom Systems

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 23, 2015 12:20:09 PM / by Emily Barnhill posted in Cameo II, Technology, Remote Participation, Videoconferencing

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Enjoy 20% off a Polycom Videoconferencing System as a token of our appreciation!

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How a Neuropsychologist Proved Court Reporters Are a Necessity

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 12, 2015 9:02:33 AM / by Emily Barnhill posted in Technology Proliferation, Technology, Remote Participation, Court Reporting, CART, Captioning, CART Captioning, Streaming, Text Streaming

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There's a fine line to tread when discussing technology in the court reporting industry. The technology Remote Counsel equips court reporters with enables them to do their jobs more effectively and efficiently, while also providing them with additional revenue opportunities. It does not attempt to replace the court reporter in any way. Suggesting that that is even possible is laughable - but it hasn't stopped some critics.

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15 of the Greatest WiFi Wars on the Internet

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 5, 2015 2:25:44 PM / by Emily Barnhill posted in Technology, ISP

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Back in the 90's and early 2000's, internet users often bragged about their clever AOL Instant Messaging (AIM) names. It is now becoming clear that last decade's clever AIM username is this decade's creative WiFi network name. In fact, some users are going so far as to communicate with one another through their WiFi networks (often in a passive aggressive tone). 

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Comic Relief in the Courtroom

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 22, 2015 1:06:03 PM / by Emily Barnhill posted in Technology, Remote Participation, Court Reporting, CART Captioning, Streaming, Text Streaming

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Being a court reporter is hard - especially when you have to keep a straight face in the middle of a trial or deposition. Disorder in the American Courts compiled real quotes from actual court proceedings for our reading pleasure. Read on for a few of our favorites!

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NEW Text and Video Streaming Platform from Remote Counsel

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 15, 2015 12:48:40 PM / by Emily Barnhill posted in Remote Participation, Streaming, Text Streaming, Video Streaming

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At Remote Counsel, we strive to provide our partners with the very best technology services that enable you to remain successful and profitable. That is why we have updated our text and video streaming format to ensure that you’re getting the most out of what you’re paying for.

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Why #SkypeDown Should Never Affect You

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 8, 2015 12:37:59 PM / by Emily Barnhill posted in Cameo II, Technology Proliferation, Technology, Remote Participation

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Recently, Skype users around the world experienced massive network problems and outages when trying to connect to the service. When attempting to sign in, users couldn’t get past the login page and were repeatedly told that Skype couldn’t connect.

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Conference Call Etiquette Tips

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 24, 2015 11:12:54 AM / by Emily Barnhill posted in Technology, Remote Participation

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It's a safe bet that you've been on a conference call within the last month, and experienced some of the behaviors parodied in the video above. The proliferation of technology has provided added convenience to many aspects of office life, including conference calls. This is especially true for court reporters who implement audioconferencing as a remote participation service for attorneys and depositions.

To help out on your next conference call, we've compiled some etiquette tips to keep your meetings productive and polite. 


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