Meet the Team - Randy Reas

[fa icon="calendar"] Feb 3, 2016 11:49:00 AM / by Emily Barnhill

Meet the Team!


Each month, Remote Counsel will feature one of our team members on the blog to let you get to know us a little better. 

This month's spotlight is on Randy Reas! Randy has made hundreds of friends in the court reporting industry throughout his career, so we thought it would be great for you all to get to know him a little better. Read on to find out why Randy likes working at Remote Counsel, what his favorite meal is, and the #1 item on his bucket list.


What is your role at Remote Counsel?

Account Manager – fielding incoming calls and emails, reaching out to members to help them get the most from the partnership with Remote Counsel and Courtroom Connect and collaborate on what is coming down the pike.

Describe yourself in 50 words or less:

I’m just a working man who takes pride in his work and values the friendships and relationships built over the 2 decades I’ve been involved with this market.

Why do you like working at Remote Counsel?

Remote Counsel and Courtroom Connect have provided the opportunity to continue my relationships in the reporting field. The amazing people both in our company and our customers make it a pleasure to “clock in”.

If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?

Will McAvoy from the Newsroom. I would love to be a journalist today. One that can speak the truth, uncover the lies, and hold people’s feet to the fire!

What's the best meal you've ever had at a restaurant?  

Many, MANY years ago, as I was traveling in Michigan as the Regional Computer Specialist for Radio Shack Franchise Division, I was introduced to the most amazing grilled swordfish. It was my first time trying it, and both the flavor and the texture have been etched in my mind to this day.

What is your favorite thing about the court reporting industry? 

My friends! Their professionalism, and dedication to making the record and the naked appreciation for just being treated fairly and honestly.

What chore do you absolutely HATE doing? 

I’m afraid that hating anything, in my mind, is a waste of time and energy. As for household chores, I’ve reached the stage in life where I don’t mind doing any of them.

What is your favorite Remote Counsel memory? 

Traveling to the many conferences with my dear departed friend and colleague, Grover. We always had a good time and thoroughly enjoyed working for the reporting industry and with the dedicated people who make up this small but vital market.

What is the #1 item on your bucket list? 

Getting back to Puerto Rico, with time to see more than just San Juan, this time!

What is your biggest guilty pleasure?

I like to decompress a couple times a week by gaming. A friend turned me on to Borderlands, and now Destiny: The Taken King. I’m quite at home with make-believe guns, running around other worlds, killing the bad guys.

What is your favorite book or movie?

“My Lucky Life In and Out of Show Business: A Memoir,”  by Dick Van Dyke.

How would your coworkers describe you?

Connected, engaged and unflappable.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I have 3 children, 8 grandchildren, the oldest was 16 last November. And, I’m still only 49….



You can contact Randy Reas via email at or phone (303) 886 - 3766.


To learn more about Remote Counsel and our partners, check out some of our other blog articles. 



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Topics: Meet the Team

Emily Barnhill

Written by Emily Barnhill

Emily Barnhill is a Marketing Manager at Courtroom Connect.