Meet the Team - Lou Freitas

[fa icon="calendar"] Aug 20, 2015 1:58:13 PM / by Emily Barnhill

Meet the Team!


Each month, Remote Counsel will feature one of our team members on the blog to let you get to know us a little better. 

This month's spotlight is on Lou Freitas! Lou is a fairly recent addition to the Remote Counsel team, but in his time here he has made a big impact. Read on to get the inside scoop!


What is your role at Remote Counsel?

Vice President of Operations

Describe yourself in 50 words or less:

I am a coach. I currently coach my 12 year old daughter's travel softball team, coached my son for years and love coaching employees. Whether on the field or in the office, I get a great deal of satisfaction in helping others meet and exceed their goals.

Why do you like working at Remote Counsel?

I love the collaboration.

If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose?

James Bond

What's the best meal you've ever had at a restaurant?  

I had an awesome steak at BONES in Atlanta.

What is your favorite thing about the court reporting industry? 

I have found the court reporting industry to be filled with genuine, passionate and hardworking people. I couldn’t ask for a better industry to work in.

What chore do you absolutely HATE doing? 

Cleaning the garage

What is your favorite Remote Counsel memory? 

I really enjoyed the NCRA Convention & Expo held in NYC this July.

What is the #1 item on your bucket list? 

I am a HUGE Duke Basketball fan, would love to one day attend the Coach K Academy. 

What is your biggest guilty pleasure?

PIZZA…if my wife doesn’t stop me, I will literally eat a whole pie!

What is your favorite book or movie?


How would your coworkers describe you?

Fun, hardworking, focused and results driven




You can contact Lou Freitas via email at or phone (877) 838 - 9067 ext. 118.


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Topics: Meet the Team

Emily Barnhill

Written by Emily Barnhill

Emily Barnhill is a Marketing Manager at Courtroom Connect.