Inbound Marketing Tips for Court Reporters

[fa icon="calendar"] Jul 16, 2015 10:05:00 AM / by Emily Barnhill


What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound Marketing focuses on your website, blog, social media outlets, and more. These outposts allow you to project a message to end users and potential clients about who you are, what you do, and why they should work with you.

Your website should act as a 24/7 marketing consultant that educates visitors on your firm. It’s extremely important to personalize and craft your messaging so it reflects the brand and reputation you want for your firm.

Menu Tab and Page Suggestions

One of the most important pages you should have on your website is an About Us page. Potential clients want to know how many years of experience you have and whether or not you’re experts in any particular field. This is a great opportunity to let visitors get to know you, and also to tout your accomplishments and involvement in the industry.

After visitors get to know you a little better, they’ll want to know what you can do for them. We always recommend that our partners put their services (or a menu tab) prominently on the homepage. Attorneys don’t have the time to browse through your website to find out what you can offer – make it as easy on them as you can.

Other menu tabs you might want to consider are Features and Benefits. These topics will let your visitors know what sets you apart from other court reporters in the area and why they will benefit from your services. Both of these tabs could be a good area for you to list any vendors you work with as well.

The Importance of a Blog and Social Media

So, what else is left? Other than the obvious Contact Us page and any online services you provide, you should seriously consider starting a Blog. This is one of the easiest and most effective strategies for solidifying your reputation in the industry as a knowledgeable, informed, and involved court reporting firm.

You can make your Blog more personal with Meet the Team posts and Employee Spotlights, and you can publish relevant articles that show your understanding of the industry. Check out our recent posts for some examples.

Another Inbound Marketing outpost you should be taking advantage of are your social media accounts. This is a great way to engage with new audiences and promote your content and services. Posting your blog articles or branded content will bring new visitors to the website and could result in increased business for your firm.


It’s important to keep this information updated and relevant as your firm becomes educated in new technologies or begins offering new services. Check back soon for more marketing tips from Remote Counsel!


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Topics: Technology, Court Reporting

Emily Barnhill

Written by Emily Barnhill

Emily Barnhill is a Marketing Manager at Courtroom Connect.